Saturday June 19, 2021
News Info
2nd International Conference on Innovative Sciences and Technologies for Research and Education (InnoSTRE) 2021: A Platform for Academics and Industries
The main objective of the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Sciences and Technologies for Research and Education (InnoSTRE) 2021: A Platform for Academics and Industries is to provide a platform for local and international participants from both academics and industries to present their authoritative knowledge and the most up-to-date research findings in innovative sciences and technologies, while providing new opportunities to others who are preparing to venture into innovative sciences and technologies for the exchange of information and knowledge between the academics and practitioners for service excellence. The conference will also provide the opportunity to highlight the most recent innovation in science and technology developments and identify emerging and future areas of growth and collaboration in these exciting fields.Opening ceremony of 1st InnoSTRE
2021年第二届中国-东盟科研与教育合作交流大会 (InnoSTRE) 暨 “一带一路” 高校东盟巡回展线上大会:学术与产业的交流平台
2021年第二届中国-东盟科研与教育合作交流大会 (InnoSTRE) 暨 “一带一路” 高校东盟巡回展线上大会的主要目的是为来自学术界和产业界的本地和国际与会者提供一个平台,展示他们在创新科学和技术方面的权威知识和最新研究成果,同时为其他准备涉足创新科学和技术的人提供新的机会,促进学术界和产业界之间的信息和知识的交流,以为人民提供更卓越服务。会议还将强调最新的创新科学和技术发展,并辨别出未来极具增长空间的新兴合作领域。第一届InnoSTRE大会上成立了中国-东盟医药教育科研合作中心