Wednesday October 07, 2020
News Info
(07 October 2020) With the precious advises from Encik Haji Abang Mat Ali Bin Abang Masagus, Director of JABATAN PENDIDIKAN NEGERI SARAWAK, ACEC Association capable to fight against the pandemic and share the International Talent Training Program (ITTP) to Sarawak Secondary School. As an advisor, Encik Haji Abang Mat Ali Bin Abang Masagus was very supportive on the promotion of the ITTP and willing to help students, teachers and staff to grab the limited opportunity for Sarawak’s students, teachers and staffs. Besides, through the continuous support from JABATAN PENDIDIKAN NEGERI SARAWAK, ACEC Association able to spread the good news to all Sarawakian and secure the scholarships quota for them. More to the point, Sarawakian who with moderate academic result are always welcome to join in the ITTP so that ACEC Association can assist them to apply those prestigious and top-ranking university in China. Further, teachers and staffs been offered few scholarships to further their postgraduate and language study in designed country without stagnant their current job situation. To ensure there is no language barrier and cultural shock during their study, qualified applicants will also join the free enhance and intensive courses through ITTP, ACEC Association.
(2020年10月7日)在砂拉越州教育局局长Mr. Haji Abang Mat Ali Bin Abang Masagus的宝贵建议下,ACEC协会有能力抗击疫情,并在砂拉越中学分享国际人才培训计划(ITTP)。作为顾问,Mr. Haji Abang Mat Ali Bin Abang Masagus非常支持ITTP的推广,并愿意帮助学生、教师和员工抓住沙捞越的学生、教师和员工的有限机会。此外,通过砂拉越州教育局的持续支持,ACEC协会能够向所有沙捞越人传播这个好消息,并为他们争取到奖学金名额。更重要的是,我们欢迎成绩中等的砂拉越人加入ITTP,这样ACEC协会就可以帮助他们申请中国的名牌大学。此外,教师和工作人员也可以获得一些奖学金,在不影响他们目前工作的情况下,在指定国家继续他们的研究生和语言学习。为了确保他们在学习期间没有语言障碍和文化冲击,符合条件的申请者还将参加ACEC协会的ITTP的免费强化课程。
ACEC Executive Chairman Yang Chengcheng (Right) award an advisor certificate to Encik Haji Abang Mat Ali Bin Abang Masagus, Director of JABATAN PENDIDIKAN NEGERI SARAWAK (Left)
Encik Haji Abang Mat Ali Bin Abang Masagus, Director of JABATAN PENDIDIKAN NEGERI SARAWAK (forth from the right), ACEC Executive Chairman Yang Chengcheng (third from the right) and the department leaders
Additionally, continuous support from 190 of the Sarawak secondary schools which joint the virtual meeting with ACEC Association on 23rd September to further discuss the advantages of ITTP. Principals and teachers were attentive and showed their supports to the International Talent Training Program (ITTP) which implemented by ACEC Association. ITTP will not only benefited to the secondary students while also for the teachers and staffs in terms of scholarships and knowledge exchange. Through the ITTP, students, teachers, and staffs able to apply the full scholarships which included tuition fee, accommodation fee, monthly allowance and many more. Besides, with the collaboration with the state government and association, knowledge and culture exchange exist through the ITTP with the prestigious and top-ranking universities in China.
ACEC Association shows the intensive supports to Sarawak students with the moderate exam results as this group of students lack of opportunity to study abroad. Hence, through the ITTP by ACEC Association, students who eager to chase their dream and further their study in prestigious University can be worried free. Besides, enhance language courses will be provided by ACEC Association for free before students heading to their designed university as language barrier is one of the concerns for most of the students and teachers.
ACEC Association have done the 1st virtual meeting on 23rd September with principals and teachers from Sarawak Secondary Schools