The 2nd International Conference on Innovation Technology for Research and Education 第2届创新科技促进研究及教育国际会议

Tuesday January 17, 2023

January 17, 2023

News Info

The 2nd International Conference on Innovative Technology for Research and Education (InnoSTRE) was organized by Anhui Medical University, China, and the University of Jambi, Indonesia (UNJA) with the support of the Asia China Education & Culture (ACEC) Association in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) from October 26-27, 2022.

250 participants from 8 countries including Australia, Thailand, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Russia, UK, and Malaysia participated in this conference and submitted more than 140 papers.

On behalf of Sarawak Prime Minister Dato Patinggi, Minister of Education, Innovation, and Talent Development Dato' Roland officiated at the Borneo Convention Center in Kuching. He said that the Sarawak government is looking forward to new ideas, research results, and proposals that will help improve the competitiveness of Sarawak's talents, and this conference gathered participants from academia and industry to showcase their innovative research in knowledge and science and technology to introduce and explore social challenges through a unified interdisciplinary platform, which benefits education and innovation in Sarawak.

He also said that one of the goals of the 11th Malaysia Plan promoted by the Malaysian government is to bring Malaysia's economy to the level of a developed country under the government's Economic Transformation Program (ETP), and this conference will serve as a leader for Sarawak and even Malaysia to work together to reshape the landscape of sustainable development and helping shape the future of standard living. "

In his speech, Professor Rogiya, President of the UiTM, also stated that InnoSTRE is in line with the strategic goal set by UiTM in 2025, which is to become a world-renowned university of science, technology, humanities, and entrepreneurship. In addition, Mohd, vice president of UiTM, and Professor Kong Qingyun, co-chairman of InnoSTRE 2022, also attended the opening ceremony.


2022年10月26日至27日,中国安徽医科大学和印度尼西亚占碑大学 (UNJA) 在一带一路文化教育合作促进会 (ACEC) 的支持下,与玛拉工艺大学合作举办第2届创新科技促进研究及教育国际会议(InnoSTRE)。

来自澳大利亚、泰国、中国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、英国和马来西亚等8个国家的250名与会者参与本次会议,提交了 140 多篇论文。


他同时表示,马来西亚政府推动的第十一大马计划,其目标之一是在政府经济转型计划下 (ETP)让马来西亚的经济达到发达国家水平,而本次会议将作为砂拉越甚至是马来西亚共同重塑可持续发展格局,帮助塑造标准生活的未来的领头羊。”

而玛拉工艺大学校长罗吉雅教授也在演讲中表示,InnoSTRE 符合玛拉工艺大学定下的2025年战略目标,即成为全球知名的科学、技术、人文和创业大学。另外,玛拉工艺大学副校长莫哈末和InnoSTRE 2022联合主席孔庆云教授也出席了开幕式。